A LIVE course on how to confidently sell out your HIGH TICKET launches, without the stress or bro marketing tactics.

Starting 24th July


A LIVE course on how to confidently sell out your HIGH TICKET launches, without the stress or bro marketing tactics.

Starting 24th July

This is for you if...

  • You're a coach or service based CEO looking to understand how to create a launch & sales strategy that sells your high ticket offerings like hot cakes
  • You’ve launched your program before… But have had the kind of stomach-turning experiences that have left you with what can only be described as “launch anxiety”
  • OR You're new to launching & selling & you've tried binging the freebies around launching but you're ready to understand how to make it work for YOU
  • You feel restricted by the launching methods you currently know & want to find anew way of launching & selling that FEELS good & actually gets reaults
  • You're looking to increase your monthly CASH by launching more than on thing at once
  • You're ready to ditch the long timelines, the bro marketing & sleazy sales tactics, & find an aligned way of selling that doesn't burn you TF out every time!
  • You want to be able to sell in the DMs & not spend hours on sales calls

A LIVE course on how to confidently sell out your HIGH TICKET programs through launching & selling in a stress-free way that FEELS good

I've created Stress Free, Sold Out Launches cus I'm tired of seeing coaches struggle to sustainably & consistently sell out their programs cus they don't understand how to launching in a Stress Free way that gets people to take action (without having to use sleazy sales tactics & burning out every time)

  • Imagine how amazing it would be if launching never felt like a big deal - you could think something up & decide to launch it in the next 2 days (instead of waiting for weeks o have everything perfect!)
  • Imagine if you felt excited to show up & sell every day instead of caught up in the weeks of "have to's" & "should do's"
  • Imagine if you understood how to build momentum before, during & after a launch? Meaning that you can ALWAYS pick up a launch (even if it feels like it's dropping off)
  • Imagine if you knew EXACTLY the type of content to use & when, & KNOW that how you sell it will land perfectly with your client because it tangibly speaks to their desires
  • Imagine if you could sell multiple things at once & have your highest cash months ever (without the burnout!)

That's exactly what Stress Free, Sold Out Launches is designed to do...

Program modules
(this is very much dependant on the group, & may change depending on the needs of the group)

MODULE ONE: Expectations & launching

In module one we are going to be completely shaking up the way you see sales & launching going forward. You’ll learn how to let go of rigid expectation setting, & embrace a smarter & stress free way to set intentions for your launches so that your sales cycle is just an extension of your business practices and not the be-all end-all of your entire purpose as a human being.

MODULE TWO: Selling all the time & the mindset of “launching”

In module 2 we’re talking about YOUR sales mindset. Your business is only a business when you learn to sell in a way that feels good, consistently. There is an art and a science behind doing this in a way that doesn’t feel like a constant activation and test on whether you’re “good enough”. If you want to be a bonafide business, this piece is absolutely essential.

MODULE THREE: Psychology of sales

In module 3 we’re talking about sales and consumer psychology so that you can understand the WHY behind the BUY. If you can understand why people make decisions & take action, it makes selling & launching 10 x easier.

MODULE FOUR: The phases of a launch

I’m going to walk you through the basic foundational strategy and anatomy of a well thought-out, proven launch plan that’s sustainable, attainable and straightforward. No bells & wistles, just a strategy that works.

MODULE FIVE: What content to use & when

Launching online (and marketing in general) is very heavily dependent on the words you use, & how clearly you articulate the value of your offers. If you don’t know how to talk about your offers in a way that positions them as the exact solution to your audiences problem, then you’ll end up frustrated, shouting in the abyss & wondering what TF has gone wrong.

BONUS MODULE: What to do if you feel terrified of launching and feel like your business has suffered at the hands of your launch trauma

I’ll show you some ways for you to heal launch trauma, to detach from past results (or lack thereof), let go of attachment to any particular outcome, and how to do some of the deeper work that is needed to sustain launches and large cash injections in your business in a way that feels safe (so they become easily repeatable).

The logistics

July 18th Start date

  • Run over 4 weeks
  • Run in a FB group
  • 2 content drop calls per week
  • 2 x live Q&As to get your questions answered
  • Lifetime access to the replays & content



How To Fill Up Your Masterclasses & Trainings & Sell Your High Ticket Offer with Ease.

Don't just take it from me...

Hey, I'm Hayley

I'm a business & mindset coach running a multi 6-figure coaching company.

Here's the thing: I don’t believe in having to PUSH for a sale, or showing up for hours every single day in the hope that you can convince someone to join your program.

I believe in leaning back. I believe in tapping into your unique magnetism & using psychology to create desire & creating SAFETY when people purchase.

No chasing, or convincing. Just words that land.

I am going to teach you to create content that will have you steadily attracting new clients into your space every week.

This is what I have mastered over 9 years of being in the marketing, branding & online space.