A 6 month, high level mastermind
for the coach ready to elevate their brand, marketing & mind to become an AUTHORITY online & scale to multiple 6 figures and beyond


You feel it in your bones... You're meant to take this business to a whole new level

Cus let's be real. You're an expert at what you do. Your clients get incredible results, & every single time you get off a call you're not surprised by the leaps & bounds they are making.

You can feel the impact you have with them & you know you're only just getting started.

With that in mind, you're starting to feel like you might not be charging what you deserve.

You're know you're BORN to make waves, & it kinda feels like right now you're playing small... Like you're holding yourself back from the impact you know you could be having.

& the clients you're working with are AMAZING... but you don't feel like you're fully be compensated for the epic results you're consistently creating.

& you know what? I see it all the time.

Incredibly talented coaches undervaluing themselves & their containers because they don't believe they are "worthy" of charging high end.

Well babe, I'm here to tell you that YOU ARE worthy. You DO deserve to be charging what you desire.

All you need is the marketing & mindset elevation to get there.

& that's where AUTHORITY comes in...

Imagine this for a sec...

🧬 You are finally able to channel through high-end copy that ethically speaks directly to your highest end audience members that are READY to work with you & has them asking for the link

🧬 You have the blueprint to an offer suite that sets you up for SUSTAINABLE high cash months (we aren't about get rich quick schemes that burn you out over here)

🧬 Feel clear & confident in your prices, & have the support you need to sell all of your offers on repeat, & at the same time if you desire!

🧬 You feel like an absolute AUTHORITY in your niche, with elevated branding, killer confidence in your message, & absolute TRUST in the plan you have to sclae your business to the next level

🧬 You're surrounded by a group of like-minded, high achieving humans that support, hold & celebrate you every step of the way. No more having to go at it alone over here babe!!

🧬 You have unwavering, long term mindset AND strategic support whilst you scale your business to new levels with a mentor who truly gives a shit about your experience.

Sounds like it's what you desire? Introducing…

A high level, 6 month mastermind for coaches / CEOs scaling to multiple 6 figures & beyond. Go from just good to GREAT, & dominating your niche, being seen as a HIGH END brand that people are ready to say YES to & FEELING like an AUTHORITY (both inside & out)

This is part mentorship, part guidance, part strategic support in the form of a mastermind designed to catapult your brand and online presence to the stars (we’re going UP) and start calling in a more soulfully aligned, high-ticket audience.

With nearly a decade of marketing and branding experience to my name - I’ll be looking over your branding collateral personally to give you the tried and true blueprint needed to build awareness, loyalty & trust online. 

Getting you to your BIGGEST income months and engagement EVER, with minimum bumps and hiccups along the way –

because there will be some, and that’s why you’re not only getting the proven, tried and tested online strategies that the highest achieving coaches are using, but you’ll also be getting the dedicated mindset support that’s needed to hold you in your most rapid expansion. 


How can you be confident that I am the coach for you?
Don’t take my word for it…

I'm celebrating because I had two $11k months in November and October! this is AMAZING!!!!!

Two back to back 5 figure cash months, I remember when I was dreaming of a $10k month & thinking how wild that would be & now here I am experiencing it in real time. It’s so fulfilling, exciting, and I am really proud of myself for sticking with it all!

I am so thankful to the universe! So thankful for the team I'm slowly building! & so thankful for you & all the support. Thank you!!

Alex Scott - Relationship Coach

I’ve just had my best times in my biz! $20k months are just the beginning... That energetic up level from investing with Hayley. Signing 2 new 1:1 clients taking me to the 3rd for the month and just makes me feel like it’s all possible after feeling it wasn't for so long!

Abbie Radford - Business Coach

I had a $32.5k launch, $44k quarter, & $17k MONTH thanks to Hayley. I still kind of can't believe it. Thank you Hayley! I feel so confident in what I have to offer and that's all because of you!!

Inez - Business Coach

I just had my first $20k month after having consecutive $10k months after working with Hayley! My Tiktok blew up & I finally understand how to speak directly to people through a video medium with Hayley's help! Now I'm ready to take it to the next level!

Andie - Mindset Coach

I'm having consecutive 5 figure months after being in Hayley's programs, & it's only up from here! I'm finally feeling so confident in my abilities, & feel like an absolute authority in what I do! I'm so aligned in everything I do, & it makes way for more income every time.

Imogen - Human design Coach

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Here’s exactly how

we’re going to get there:

1. Offer Expansion:

We’re going to take a look at your entire offer and product suite so we can make the necessary shifts, tweaks, energetic upgrades and alignments to everything your business puts out there, so that you finally have a business structure that supports you, your growth and the leadership of your company. This is where you’ll find the confidence to say YES to new pricing, higher-level offers and discover a whole new way of working, as you step into a business that finally feels right for you while truly changing the lives of your clients.

2. Brand Positioning + Premium Content:

We’re going to look at how to actually market your expansive high-end offers in a way that calls out the highest-level, premium people in your audience who are hungry, keen and ready to commit and say YES to you, without hesitation. Not only do we give you the know how of this, you'll learn the most ETHICAL marketing practices out there, so you can be rest assured your clients will be a f*ck YES without the fear. This is the kind of branding, marketing and positioning that changes. the. world.

3. Wealth Mindset & Self Leadership:

Most people think they want to be / are ready to be wealthy, until they actually start to be. I’m going to give you the next-level energetic and mindset UPGRADES your entire nervous system desires to continue to hold higher and higher levels of wealth. We’re going to make sure that you never get held back by this again & start to see money, business & sales is a completely new way.

This is my proven 3-part process to take your business to the level it needs to go.

And, here’s how we’ll spend that time together: 

  • 1 Private Onboarding Call
  • 3 group mastermind calls per month, at different times to suit every time zone and shake up how and when you receive these kinds of activations
  • 1 copy lab with a HIGH END COPYWRITER every single month, to make sure that you fully understand how to write high-end yourself.
  • 1 DAY OF PRIVATE 1:1 voxer support with me EVERY WEEK.
  • Unlimited Group Voxer to support and CELEBRATE YOU lilke never before in between our calls as you expand and uplevel in every possible way. You'll feel the safest you've ever felt when it comes to saying YES to your desires.
  • Access to ALL my programs whilst in the mastermind (including Soul Strategy Accelerator & Content To Cash)

Why should you join Authority Mastermind versus any other mastermind?



  • Can feel very impersonal and on-demand, personalized support is almost non-existent
  • Overwhelm you with shiny content and “filler” that has zero bearing on YOUR overarching goals and objectives.
  • Give you generic advice with a new name and wrapping it in a bow
  • They merely manage your problems and give you band-aid solutions - rarely giving you any decisive advice or direction.
  • Lack a TRUE, connected & SAFE space & community (this piece alone is enough to change your life)


  • I will personally be looking over your branding and messaging and making the necessary tweaks for elevating your brand, your messaging, your presence, your business.

  • Less about drowning you in content and more about providing high-level hands-on support in the places that really matter to get YOU to where you want to be
  • My brain in your pocket for on-demand guidance and advice on absolutely anything as and when it comes up. The expansion from just-about-making-it coach to ultimate authority with booked out premium offers will test you, and you’ll need someone who has been there, is living it and is doing the damn thing to hold you through the inevitable mindset challenges you'll face.

  • You’ll be held, seen and supported in the energy of a unique community of high-achieving, logic-defying, like-minded entrepreneurs also making strides in their industry.

    Apart from Hands-on guidance from a mentor who has “been there, done that” with a proven track record of helping others achieve what you want to achieve, you’ll also get…
  • Conversion strategies that get you on top of peoples’ minds, ready & waiting to say yes every time you post something
  • Play-by-play instructions to best package and price your expertise, create compelling content and ooze confidence every time you sell online.
  • Everything you need to know to succeed while avoiding the common pitfalls that stifle growth in most brands.
  • Step-by-step guidance to quickly identify... and then solve... your biggest challenges. Receive better ways to manage your time and responsibilities.
  • Priceless tips, hacks and strategies around hiring, support, systems, pricing, structure, sales and everything in between that I’ve spent countless hours learning, implementing, designing and piecing together.

The kind of topics we will be covering in Authority Mastermind:

  • How to elevate your brand, pricing & messaging - to speak to the hearts of a high-ticket audience

  • How to have a much tighter authoritative grip on your industry
  • An understanding of how to create a HOT audience that’s on their toes, ready to buy whatever it is you’re selling (waking up to dms like, “I’m in, how do I pay” when you’ve barely launched your newest offering)
  • Understandings of time-tested systems and the expert know-how to navigate through your journey of scaling, expanding, or even diversifying your business 
  • Convos about growing a team & support on how to delegate & scale your biz
  • How to have consistent high-ticket sales & generate higher cash months without working less
  • An unshakeable self-trust in your decisions about your branding and positioning with absolute clarity about what’s going on in your industry and the direction you are headed.

And that’s not all…

Your success will begin to seep through into every other area of your life. 

Things will finally begin to work out and align for you

It's a YES!






$6000 up front, & 5 payments of


I'm Ready!